ramblings on PHP, SQL, the web, politics, ultimate frisbee and what else is on in my life

Getting starting on the un-informed.org backend

A while back I blogged about helping out on the IT side of things or the un-informed.org project. A couple of people have replied and said they were interested in helping. In order to facilitate this, I have registered a project on google code and committed an initial version. Does not do much atm, but it features the current database schema concept and admin generator modules for the core entities. The step would be adding support for the various many to many relations. I hope I will have some time next week together with my co-worker Jordi to work on this. Check out the MySQL workbench schema file if you want to get a visual overview of the schema. That file should be fairly uptodate, though the definitive schema is defined the doctrine config file. Seems like there is even a MySQL workbench plugin to help in round-trip exporting/importing to this format. I have committed a little getting started file for anyone to wants to play with things, but for anyone experienced with Symfony, these should all be no brainers. I will be fairly liberal with giving people commit access. All that is required are a few sane patches or even just an email to the developers mailinglist with a detailed plan. There is also a #uninformed IRC channel on freenode now.