ramblings on PHP, SQL, the web, politics, ultimate frisbee and what else is on in my life

MDB2 documentation improvements

I think last evening it was the first time I saw someone on IRC say that the MDB2 documentation is very good. Of course there are still things missing, but thanks to the efforts of Paul and Lorenzo we now have all of the core features documented. The last piece the two added was documentation on quoting and data type handling in general. Next up we may see some documentation of the Manager and Reverse module to expand on the general Module documentation.

This is very good news indeed and validates the benefits of open source once again. More and more of the documentation in MDB2, and PEAR in general, is being contributed by other people than the original developer. We now also have documentation coverage checks inside PEAR, so developers are more than ever reminded about what documentation is missing for what methods. So all you PEAR users help out your favorite PEAR developer to get rid of some of those red warning labels in his documentation coverage results!

This documentation coverage reporting is one of the recent efforts that was added to PEAR in the recent weeks. It seems like PEAR getting ready to make some huge leaps forward in the coming months. So watch for PEAR to really shake things up in the PHP scene. Or better yet, join the developers mailinglist and take part in these pretty exciting times! So even with Sebastian, Pierre and me having left PEAR (though I am already working on a potential return with a new package behind the scenes) I am happy to say that the show is going on .. maybe stronger than ever!

Ah, I will also try to follow up on the byte code cache blog post. It seems to me like this is a very important topic with little solid data and information to truly understand the implications in order to make educated decisions. I am already talking to some people in the hopes of remedying this situation.


Re: MDB2 documentation improvements

I also must admit that there is a LOT of hits on
Which I will update tomorow morning (Jan 16th, 2007)