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The state of the PHP5 CMS ..?

I am just wondering, where are all the PHP5 CMS? We have tons of very mature PHP4 CMS. And yes some of them even work on PHP5, but honestly those for the most started in the days where code design in the PHP scene was not well established yet. Unit testing was only for the paranoid and coding styles were optional. Of course these PHP4 CMS have tons of features and thats probably the "problem" as well. They grew one by one without all of the above mentioned ways of controlling their growth. Because of their size, it would take huge efforts to get anything remotely close to them in terms of features which makes it essentially not worth it to cleanup and rewrite things for PHP5.

But still, the future of CMS with PHP cannot be stuck with PHP4 until eternity. I really want to use a nice framework that leverages all the cool new PHP5 features and most importantly the new established design philosophies found since the advent of PHP5. So whats going on in this department? The only two PHP5 CMS I can think if from the top of my head are Flux CMS and MODx. But there must be more .. this is PHP after all .. we reinvent the wheel 1000 times to give people plenty of choice ;-)

Speaking of PHP5 CMS, I am also wondering about the state of JSR-170 in the PHP scene. I hear typo3 is doing stuff in that directly. If I remember correctly Midgard was also looking into JSR-170. Furthermore I am wondering if anyone is using a Java JSR-170 content store along with a PHP frontend. Apparently Alfresco is quite keen on making it easy to do this sort of thing.

Spam away in the comments :)


Re: The state of the PHP5 CMS ..?

Hi, I'm developing a CMS called Onpub (http://www.onpubco.com) which is written from the ground-up using PHP5 OOP and it's related goodies like PDO. Check it out and let me know how you like it.

Re: The state of the PHP5 CMS ..?

What could you do with a php 5 CMS that you cannot do in php 4?

Re: The state of the PHP5 CMS ..?

Open Publisher based on a mvc architecture.

Re: The state of the PHP5 CMS ..?

Well, I took a quick look at Flux CMS and MODx, but IMHO they seem to be far behind typolight, which I am currently studing as an example for good architecture and code.

Re: The state of the PHP5 CMS ..?

Check out http://habariproject.org/en/. I know it says its a blogging platform, but most blogging platforms can easily be used as a CMS, this one included. And of course, a plugin architecture allows wonders to be done.

Re: The state of the PHP5 CMS ..?

@Jeff: I want a clean environment for the custom code I write that really makes me productive. There are several PHP5 frameworks that give me that. All PHP4 CMS simply have very nasty code (ok thats a harsh generalization). The only one that seems to be very consistent internally is Drupal. However Drupal is very procedural, which takes away some of the fun.

Re: The state of the PHP5 CMS ..?

While at the moment the roadmap still requires PHP4 compliance, Midgard is definitely going the PHP5 route.

I posted some information in my blog yesterday:


Re: The state of the PHP5 CMS ..?

We currently refactor our ~6 year old closed source CMS. It's based on PHP4 and completely procedural. Right now we're porting the code into classes and objects and make everything PHP5 E_ALL compatible. A long way to go, but the more code is ported and replaced the faster everything feels. It seems switching the code does a real good performance speed up. www.makeweb.de

Re: The state of the PHP5 CMS ..?

I installed MODx yesterday evening after seeing this post and it looks quite nice. I just wonder if it is fully PHP5 (haven't looked under the hood yet) since it's requirements mention that you can run it without problems on PHP4 as well:

Webserver: Apache (1.3.x or 2.x) with mod_rewrite enabled PHP: 4.3.11 and above (optimal performance in 5.1.6) MySQL: 4.1.x (performance gains in 5.0.x)

Seeing this basically means that it's not fully PHP5. IIRC (haven't been on php4 in ages) php4 will break on seeing, for instance, access modifiers. So MODx is maybe optimized for usage with PHP5, but does not seem to actually be php5 (but as I said, I havent looked under the hood yet, so I'm not sure if I'm talking sh*t here).

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