ramblings on PHP, SQL, the web, politics, ultimate frisbee and what else is on in my life
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Its done ..

I already knew my way around the open source database scene when I started preliminary research for my diploma thesis last December. However writing this paper has been a great opportunity to dive into this topic really indepth, dispelling some misconceptions of my own along the way. Once I finished my last courses at university in March, I began to focus on this topic. Obviously I was still doing some open source and commercial development on the side during this time. So all in all I probably put in around 6 months of time in this.
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Its like everybody sees the wall coming ..

.. and everybody just needs to lift the finger to turn the wheel that little bit to prevent hitting the wall.
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Testing different browser versions

So with the emminent release of MSIE 7 and FF2 I decided it was high time I actually check the main project I am currently working on for compliance. Its an ajax intranet application that has a little bit of layout and convinience magic. Step one is to become able to test these new versions without breaking my current setup.
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RDBMS pissing contest .. round 1 ..

Ok, someone came in #oracle on freenode and wanted a query that would give him a distinct set of rows, where it did not matter if a values is in the first or second column.
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Little status update

I am currently in Zurich, after spending the last week in a farmers house in the moutains of Switzerland. This is a pretty relaxing time for me, although I am constantly working on tweaking my thesis paper (actually its not a thesis paper, its a german "Diplomarbeit"). I am more or less done and now I am just working on getting the kinks and typos out.
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