ramblings on PHP, SQL, the web, politics, ultimate frisbee and what else is on in my life

PHP UG meeting in Berlin

Just wanted to remind people in the Berlin area that there will be a special PHP UG Berlin meeting on september 12th as part of a roadshow. We will have a bunch of guests from Zend, eZ Publish and MySQL doing some very interesting presentations:

  1. eZ systems: "Enterprise PHP components by eZ systems": Die eZ publish enterprise components sind der erste Schritt zur Erstellung von komplexen Webapplikationen. Dieser Vortrag stellt die Klassen-Bibliothek vor und zeigt exemplarisch deren Verwendung.
  2. MySQL: "Einführung in MySQL 5.0": In diesem Vortrag erhalten Sie einen Überblick über die neuen Funktionen von MySQL 5.0. Erfahren Sie mehr über Stored Procedures, Views, Triggers, XA, Cursors und das Information Schema.
  3. Zend: "Zend und die PHP-Community in Deutschland": Offene Diskussion.

As always we will be meeting in the z-bar which opens at 20:00. So if you plan on coming early you will have to hang out in one of the many bars in the close proximity. I encourage all of our "regulars" to attend as well as people who have been to shy to finally come out of the closet :-)